Sunday, October 6, 2013

Eid ul Azha on October 16, 2013

The holy Eid-ul-Azha, one of the biggest religious festivals of the Muslims, will be celebrated in the country on October 16 as the moon of  the month of jilhaj was sighted in the Bangladesh sky on Sunday.
The decision was taken at a meeting of the National Moon Sighting Committee held at Islamic Foundation's Baitul Mukarram conference room in the city on Sunday evening.
Director General of Islamic Foundation Shamim Mohammad Afzal presided over the meeting in absence of State Minister for Religious Affairs and also Chairman of the committee Advocate M Shahjahan Mia, Other committee member also attended the meeting.
After the meeting, the Islamic Foundation DG told reporters that the Jilhaj moon was sighted in Gaibandha district.

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