Friday, August 16, 2013

Katrina Out, Deepika In!

After giving a major hit together, Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone is the most sought after jodi of the year. Maybe this is why, Imitiaz Ali chose Deepika Padukone over Katrina Kaif in his next.
Katrina could have warmly accepted the offer of this movie with Imtiaz, reasons being she has not worked with him earlier and another is, Ranbir playing the lead.
Reportedly, she even asked Ranbir to recommend her name for the same. But, it seems Ranbir enjoys working with Deepika Padukone most and is fine with Imtiaz's decision of taking Dips in Kat out.
Unfortunately, she lost this opportunity too, and would have to go for another vacation after the schedule of this movie gets over to spend time with her lover.

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