Friday, August 16, 2013

More than 100 killed at Cairo protest!

More than 100 people are reported to have been killed in Cairo at a protest being held by supporters of ousted Egyptian president Mohammed Mursi.
A doctor at a field hospital close to the protest at the Rabaa al -Adawiya mosque said that more than 1,000 people had also been injured.
The health ministry put the death toll at 20, with 177 wounded.
Both pro-and anti-Mursi supporters had been holding huge protests overnight in the capital.
Many thousands occupied Cairo's Tahrir Square in support of the army, which removed Mursi form office on 3 July.
Army chief Gen Abdel Fattah al-Sisi had urged people to take to the streets to give the military a mandate for its intervention.
Early on Saturday, interior minister Mohammed Ibrahim had vowed to end the sit-in at the capital's Nasr City area.
He said local residents had complained about the encampment and that the protest would be 'brought to an end soon and in a legal manner'. 
The minister said the prosecutor would issue an order, but this has yet to happen.

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